千葉県市原市 外科 内科 皮膚科 アレルギー科 婦人科 スポーツドクター 食習慣・運動習慣改善指導

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When you become a professor, no one around you will point out the mistake. So the higher you get, the more “I am doing the right thing?” “That person said something, but it might have been a piece of advice to him. Then what would it be?” And should be timid. But when a person really gets great, most of them say, “Because I am a good person, I have become great. So what I say is correct.”

In other words, a person who is really capable and humanly superior cannot be great. Only idiots can be great.

This person is a professor at Keio University School of Medicine. Speaking of Keio University’s medical school, it is a difficult school along with the University of Tokyo. Since it is a private medical school, probably only smart people in rich families can go there. This is what I saw on TV on May 20th. You know what I’m trying to say. So refrain from commenting further. Didn’t anyone around point out that “Professor, that’s not good!”











坂本 史衣氏 この人はかなりまともなことをいう方です










Around March, the media were still trying to get the correct knowledge about corona, but I have the impression that they’ve been worn out recently or lack of material, and the quality has deteriorated.

Many people wear handmade masks when it became difficult to get commercially available masks, and recently there was a news report that the Chief Cabinet Secretary wears masks with amulet design transmitted to the Ainu and local handmade masks. There was no tension in the press, and the announcer’s voice seemed even fun.

At the end of the news, the NHK announcer said, “A mask is necessary to prevent corona,”  The word denies the past NHK coverage. The word “calm and objective judgment based on correct scientific grounds” is blatant as a measure against corona.

I think everyone is angry at pachinko parlors which continue to operate despite requests to refraining from sales and customers visiting from outside the prefecture. I do not take sides with a pachinko parlor, but from the scientific facts I tried to address this issue.

I saw the following information on the net. However, it is “undecided” and may change in the future.
Imagine that the diameter of coronavirus is 0.5㎛, and corona is not suspended in the air by itself, but is normally excreted in the air in the form of aerosol. Regarding the size of the aerosol,  there is no precise rule and it is around 5 or 10 mm.

With nasal breathing, particles larger than 5-6 µm are almost completely eliminated due to the complex structure inside the nose and the resulting turbulence. Furthermore, deposition of particles with a size of 5 µm or less increases as the particles become larger due to humidification. Generally, in nasal respiration, about 50% of particles of 1 to 5 µm are deposited in the tracheobronchial region, but large particles of 10 µm or more rarely reach the tracheobronchial region. In other words, the particles that come in through nasal breath stay in the nose for a long time and do not go to the bronchi much.

On the other hand, in oral breathing, more than 95% of large particles of 10 to 20 µm are deposited in the tracheobronchi. Approximately 60-80% of the smaller 1-10 µm particles deposit at the bronchiolar level, especially 40-60% of the 1-5 µm particles at the alveolar level. In other words, corona aerosole reaches the bronchi and even the peripheral alveoli by mouth. How important is nasal breathing.

Because of this, people don’t talk much at pachinko parlors and just keep on chasing the ball, so even if it’s 3 dense, it may be hard to get infected. On the other hand, opportunities for corona infection will increase at izakaya and clubs that accompany drinking and chatting, and venues where people sing and dance. 

From this, it seems reasonable to prioritize the types of industries that should be self-restraint.



鼻呼吸をすると、鼻の内部の複雑な構造とそれによる乱流が原因で 5~6µm 以上の粒子はほぼ完全に除かれる。さらに 5µm 以下の粒子も加湿によって粒子が大きくなると沈着が増加する。一般的には鼻呼吸において、1~5µm の粒子では約 50%が気管気管支領域に沈着するものの、10μm 以上の大きい粒子は気管気管支領域まで達することは少ない。つまり鼻呼吸で入ってきた粒子は結構鼻の中でとどまり、あまり気管支の方にはいかない。

その一方、口呼吸においては 10~20µm の大きな粒子の 95%以上が気管気管支に沈着する。さらに小さい1~10µm の粒子の約 60-80%は細気管支レベルに沈着し、特に 1~5µm の粒子の 40-60%は肺胞レベルに沈着する。つまりコロナが気管支、さらに末梢の肺胞にまで到達するのは圧倒的に口呼吸。鼻呼吸がいかに大事かということです。





“Let’s keep a distance of 2 meters from the person next door.”
Do you think without any doubt that you have to keep that distance? Some people may feel reassured that they can escape corona infection if they are at a distance of 2 meters. But there is no justification for taking a distance of 2 meters.
Even with a mask on, NHK images showed that aerosols of 10 ㎛ or less drifted in the air when sneezing. Corona aerosols have no color and no odor. Therefore, you cannot confirm the movement of the aerosol by yourself. In that case, you misunderstand that what is called an expert is correct.
From here on, the subject is a little vulgar, so if you want to live gracefully for the rest of your life, I recommend that you don’t read from here on.

Everyone can be convinced if the aerosol of corona has a color or smell! But it’s difficult to add color or odor to corona aerosols, so let’s take the fart as an example.
If you are 2 meters away, can you fart with confidence? I guess it’s impossible. Then 5 meters? That is also impossible.
Then 10 meters. Hmm, that might be all right. No, it depends on the amount of fart. A small amount is fine, a large one will smell at 10 meters.
Aren’t you unconsciously doing the above calculations? And I think you often fail because you can’t put up with strong physiological phenomena and just make a sweet decision that “it might be all right”.
That’s right. Even in a room with very low air flow, farts can diffuse quite well.
What? Fart and corona are different! ?
The components of fart include a small amount of feces, intestinal bacteria such as Escherichia coli, gas components, and water. It is quite possible that the gas contains a little water. In other words, it is an aerosol state. It’s like corona floating in aerosol form.
Now, I think you can now realize that 2 meters is a completely meaningless distance. So you’re almost certainly inhaling corona aerosols indoors. Therefore, it is impossible to wear a mask and use social distance.
By the way, the above explanation can prove that the mask does not work.
Eh, Can’t you understand? At least the fart is released through the pants and trousers filter. It is the same even if you wear heavy clothing in the winter. It is exactly the same even if you wear non-woven pants.
So, as I said many times, anti-corona measures do not prevent the virus from entering the body, but eliminate the virus that entered the body.







