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Learn from a grilled beef restaurant - ブログ

The government has also lifted the declaration of emergency in the metropolitan area
.. However, there are many opportunities for infections in the food and drink business and sports gyms, etc.,  and it seems that the time to resume business will be delayed.

What is the reason for experts to decide to resume business? I still can’t see any plans for future economic reconstruction. If a cluster does not simply occur in the industry that has resumed business, is it a passive decision that “Is it okay for the next industry to resume?”

I then considered the measures independently. But we must acknowledge the fact that there is an airborne infection in the background.

Well, the idea is “Learn from a yakiniku(grilled beef) restaurant.”
In other words, each store should be equipped with the same equipment as the smoke exhaust duct of a yakiniku restaurant. Corona aerosols are immediately excreted indoors and out by ventilation. However, some facilities may not be able to open the windows to ventilate because it will bother the neighborhood. In addition, when you drive the air conditioner in the coming season, you cannot open the window. However, even in such a place, if the smoke exhaust system works , it will be possible to resume business with peace of mind.

The  experts who think that airborne infection should occur only in special circumstances can not come up with the idea.

いいね (まだ評価がありません)


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