When you become a professor, no one around you will point out the mistake. So the higher you get, the more “I am doing the right thing?” “That person said something, but it might have been a piece of advice to him. Then what would it be?” And should be timid. But when a person really gets great, most of them say, “Because I am a good person, I have become great. So what I say is correct.”
In other words, a person who is really capable and humanly superior cannot be great. Only idiots can be great.
This person is a professor at Keio University School of Medicine. Speaking of Keio University’s medical school, it is a difficult school along with the University of Tokyo. Since it is a private medical school, probably only smart people in rich families can go there. This is what I saw on TV on May 20th. You know what I’m trying to say. So refrain from commenting further. Didn’t anyone around point out that “Professor, that’s not good!”