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If you require ventilation, recommend going out. - ブログ

There is a contradiction to say that you should stay at home as a measure against corona, but regularly ventilate and replace the fresh air.

If so, isn’t it better to stay outside?
Today’s weather on Children’s Day was great. There is wind and it feels very good. Great day out. However, we were voluntarily banned on leaving home. Parking lots in the park are not allowed and playground equipment is not allowed. In the case of today’s wind, even if there is a corona in the breath, it will spread to the outside at once. Today was the day to relieve the stress that encouraged outdoor activities. It was the day we should open up a lot of recreational facilities and avoid concentrating in one place. For example, for clamming, there are restrictions such as admission only to families with children under junior high school.

From now on, I think it’s better to consult with the Japan Meteorological Agency to decide when to actively go out, as a countermeasure.

いいね (まだ評価がありません)


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