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誕生日は己に誓う日 Birthday is the day I swear to myself - ブログ





Just because it’s a corona outbreak, I’m basically thinking and doing the same as before.

I’m not the type to go out just because it was a holiday. I was happy if I enjoyed running and various creative processes in my life and was satisfied with my intellectual curiosity.

However, my running mileage this month is very small. I ran 400km in February, 200km in March, and finally 100km today this month. The cause is the toe bumping incident in March. At that time, I was thinking that “it will be healed soon”, but it took about a month after all. It seems that there were avulsion fractures. Also, the weather was bad in April.

The weather has finally recovered from yesterday and it has become pleasant. If you wonder why, it’s my birthday!For everyone in this year, A birthday is a day when everyone is ready to face reality. I position my birthday as a day when I swear that I should not let myself down toward my future goals.

いいね (まだ評価がありません)


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